Power Engineering and Power Technology
Distributed Generation System Management
Educational Program
The Master Program Distributed Generation System Management (DGSM) focuses on the management of microgrids with local power sources, including renewable energy sources.
The master's program provides an integrated approach to understanding the processes of distributed generation power supply systems operation. This program includes not only the field of electric power industry, but also related issues of management and economics of distributed generation systems.
The DGSM program aims to increase the ability of students to develop and manage projects, as well as lead and coordinate project teams.
The program has been developed in accordance with the experience of NMSTU in European projects to improve educational and research infrastructure courses.
You will be taught:
- Analyze, predict and evaluate the efficiency of operating modes of power supply systems with distributed generation sources, including renewable ones, using hardware and software;
- Understand the processes taking place in the electricity markets and, in particular, the microgeneration markets;
- Modeling electricity systems with distributed generation and develop measures to improve their performance;
- Assess the risks and economic performance of electricity systems with distributed generation.

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Phone: +7 919 324-67-19
Entrance Requirements
Formal Entrance Requirements
A candidate should have a recognized first degree (Bachelor of Science or Engineering) in Power Engineering and Power Technology or other closely related disciplines, awarded by an internationally recognized university-level institution.
Special Entrance Requirements
Students should have an interest in continuing their careers in the field of Power Engineering and Power Technology. The program is appropriate for both engineers coming from industry and from university.
Candidates should be able to apply their knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems, as well as to set up and perform experiments in a laboratory setting.
Basic Courses
1 |
Methodology and Scientific Research Methods |
2 |
Innovation Forms of Business |
3 |
Foreign Language in One’s Professional Sphere |
4 |
Electricity markets |
5 |
Digital technologies in the electric power industry |
6 |
Electricity software |
7 |
Optimal conditions of power supply systems |
8 |
Stability of Micro grids |
9 |
Micro grids management |
10 |
Renewable power supply systems |
Industrial Internship
PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works
Federal network company
Energy sales companies
Design Institutes
Research Activity
NMSTU is a unique place where fundamental and engineering researches meet real industry. That is why the main aim of DGSM is to develop creative and research potential of the future researcher in the field of management of distributed generation power supply systems. At the same time, the methods and content of the program are designed to prepare the most flexible and versatile specialist in the field of research and design of distributed generation power supply systems. The research activities of master students will provide them cross-disciplinary competencies at the border of electric power, management and economics. The program will allow the graduate to become in demand on the labor market or to comfortably prepare for further research activities in postgraduate studies.
Teaching Core Staff
The basis of the teaching staff is represented by advanced MSTU scientists with rich experience in energy-saving technologies, management and planning of power supply system regimes, as well as experience in the field of international scientific activities, educational projects, as well as highly motivated professional development.

Program Manager
Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Power Supply, Candidate of Technical Sciences, winner of contests and grants on scientific developments in the field of electric power engineering.

Head Department of Industrial Power Supply, Dr. Tech. sciences, professor, chairman of the dissertation council, specializing in “Electrotechnical complexes and systems”, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, member of the editorial board of the journal “Electrotechnical Systems and Complexes”.

Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Power Supply, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, winner of contests and grants on scientific developments in the field of electric power engineering.

Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Power Supply, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, laureate of the prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAO "UES" "New Generation", winner of the prize of the Russian Federal Scientific Research Institute for Nadezhda Rossii, holder of a grant from the Russian Federal Property Fund, is involved in continuing education for specialists in the city and the region; author of more than 100 scientific papers and textbooks.

Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Power Supply, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, holder of a grant of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation under the program "Development of the scientific potential of higher education", participates in advanced training for specialists in the city and region.

Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Power Supply, Candidate of Technical Sciences, winner of contests and grants on scientific developments in the field of electric power engineering.