NMSTU Foreign Language Center
Center Head: Dyorina Natalja, Ph.D. (Philology), Associate Professor of Foreign Languages in Engineering Department
Address: Lenin Street, 38, room 481
Phone: (3519) 22-39-23, (3519) 38-36-35
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
VK Group: https://vk.com/englishclub.magtu
Work Schedule: Mon-Thu 8:00 - 17:00; Fri 8.00 - 15.45
Foreign Language Center of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University was created in 2006 to teach the University students taking part in foreign language international programs and for everyone willing to learn foreign languages. Five most demanded languages such as English, German, French, Spanish and Italian were selected as the main ones.
FLC teaches people of all ages and professions today. They are students, undergraduate and graduate students, pensioners, businessmen and etc.
Foreign language training programs are designed from a few months to one year. Groups consist of 7-8 students of the same language level.
FLC Tasks:
- organization of teaching students foreign languages (English, French, German and others) on the basic levels of training (primary, basic, intermediate, advanced);
- organization of teaching students foreign languages on specialized areas (courses of colloquial foreign languages , tourism courses of foreign languages, business foreign language courses, foreign language courses in humanitarian and technical areas);
- improving the overall level of language training of teachers, staff, undergraduate and graduate students in Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University;
- FLC certificates after training courses;
- preparing students for exams to achieve international certificates (TOEFL, DELF).
Educational activity
The Center offers a wide range of foreign languages:
![]() English |
![]() German |
![]() French |
![]() Greek |
![]() Spanish |
![]() Italian |
![]() Chinese |
![]() Portuguese |
![]() Japanese (Japanese calligraphy) |
![]() Turkish |
FLC may also perform the following educational, cultural, scientific and methodological activities according to the activity regulations:
- teaching primary school children a foreign language;
- preparation of future entrants to pass the Unified State Exam;
- teaching people with higher education wishing to improve their skills in a foreign language;
- compensatory education (training of lagging students);
- teaching people wishing to learn a number of foreign languages;
- teaching business foreign language;
- teaching profession language;
- teaching the translation of texts and documents of different functional styles;
- teaching foreign language people leaving for permanent residence abroad;
- translation activities;
- development of modern methodology and techniques of additional education;
- implementation of innovative methods in foreign language teaching;
- research and other work on grants and economic-contractual topics and also research for the Center purposes;
- assistance of student business projects.
FCL Translation Bureau:
Types of written translation:
Technical translation
Translation of technical literature is difficult because there are special terms and phrases, as well as the presence of lexical structures and abbreviations. High-quality and professional translation of scientific and technical literature should take into account all the features of the original text. There are a lot of difficulties in translation of technical articles and texts. It is necessary to consult not just interpreters but highly qualified specialists who have an experience translating technical texts. Such professionals work at FLC.
Legal translation
Legal Translation is a special service that requires deep knowledge of laws: civil, criminal, criminal procedure, copyright, employment, family and of others in the legal field. Legal documents in a foreign language reflect the characteristics of the legal system of the State in which language they are written. That’s why the translator must understand legal niceties and know the wordings of other country. Legal translation must be extremely accurate, adequate and authentic. A slightest inaccuracy may lead to litigation and to the deterioration of the business relationship, what, in our opinion, is absolutely unacceptable.
Financial translation
Translation of financial statements and other texts of similar subjects requires the specialist to have the highest level of professional training and additional knowledge in the field of finance and in economics. A linguist simply must have certain knowledge on this subject; otherwise he won’t be able to complete the project properly. The quality and accuracy of financial translation also depends on the correct reflection of the numerical values and various indexes in the final text. It is very easy to make such mistakes as misprints and missed characterswhile working with lot of numbers. That is why a financial translator must be attentive, responsible and diligent. Attention to details plays a very important role.
Economic translation
Economic translation is one of the specialties of our Centre in the field of written translations. Economic translation is considered one of the most difficult types of translation. Economic or financial texts to be translated bristle with special terminology and with abbreviations, as a rule. They are full of tables, charts, figures and formulas. Economic translators must have sufficiently broad knowledge of Russian economy and must have a clear idea about the features of the accounting, banking and marketing law in the Russian Federation to translate properly. The translator of economic texts must also know the specificity of various foreign economic and financial standards.
Medical translation
Medical translation requires literacy, accuracy and carefulness as some inaccuracies in the text may lead to unpredictable consequences related to the health and lives of people.TheCenter specialists are able to translate scientific publications, methodological literature and accompanying documents to medical equipment and software.They can also translate annotations to drugs, references and results of health screening and medical reports.
Literary translation
Literary translation is one of the special areas of our business. Literary translation is traditionally considered the most difficult kind of written translation. High-quality literary translation is always a difficult and non-standard linguistic task. But at the same time it’s the most exciting and creative work for any highly qualified interpreters. Professional translation of fiction is "acrobatics" in the field of linguistic art. Highly qualified specialists (certified linguists, philologists) translate literary texts in FLC.
Translation of business and personal correspondence
Correspondence in a foreign language requires precision and excellent knowledge of linguistic norms. Translation of covering and thank-you letters, sponsorship letters is difficult. A slightest mistake in business correspondence may cause a loss of a business partner or a refusal to conclude the bargain. Business vocabulary bristles with specific words, phrases and terminology that are used according to certain rules. Personal communication is also a difficult matter that requires high precision and correct emotional coloring of all information.
Website translation
Website translation into foreign languages is probably the most realistic and reasonable opportunity for any company to represent itself worthily in the Internet and become famous for thousands and millions of users worldwide.
Professional website translation into a foreign language usually involves not only the most correct translation of the website text (content) (web pages, HTML pages), but also its location. Website translation and localization are also often connected with linguistic ethnic adaptation of some interface elements (the interpreter must take into account the specificity of certain regional standards during the translation of units of measurement, of telephone codes, of dates, of time of day, of alphabetical sorting into a foreign language, for example).
Urgent translation
If you need an urgent translation FLC staff will provide you with its services. FLC interpreters make urgent translation of documents in a matter of hours with a large staff of highly skilled employees. Speed does not affect the quality of the result in this case. Urgency is not a reason to carry out a translation using automated programs that give texts of very poor quality; highly qualified experts take care of each task.
Categories of FLC students:
- Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University students;
- Lecturing staff of NosovMagnitogorsk State Technical University;
- Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University employees;
- schoolchildren;
- Magnitogorsk adult population.
FLC Methods
Classes are given by teachers who perfectly know not only a foreign language, but also the methods of teaching it. The advantage of teaching methods used by experts of the FLC is a combination of communicative and classical approaches in foreign language teaching. The development of grammar, vocabulary and phonetics is taught during lessons. Skills of oral and written language are simultaneously learned. Modern textbooks, authentic audio and videos are used at the lessons. Communication and team working methods are actively applied in the classrooms. These methods allow to remove the language barrier and to apply the knowledge in various situations. This technique allows you to enjoy the educational process and to achieve good results quickly.
The main goals of the Centre, for which it is created, are:
- modernization of the educational process in the field of foreign languages: changing attitudes to language studying;
- cultural and educational activities in the field of foreign languages;
- the creation of a unified educational and pedagogic space (foreign language from school to high school);
- training profiling;
- training in foreign languages;
- formation of intercultural competence of pupils and students and of the adult population of Magnitogorsk;
- other goals aimed at achieving social goods and meeting social needs.
Common European competence of foreign language proficiency
А1 | One can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and phrases necessary to perform specific tasks. One can introduce him / herself and others, ask / answer questions about the place of residence, about friends and property. One can interact in a simple dialogue if the other person talks slowly and clearly and is ready to help. |
А2 | One can understand sentences and frequently use expressions related to the main areas of life (basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment, for example). One can perform tasks associated with a simple exchange of information on familiar and routine themes. In simple terms one can speak about himself, his loved ones and describe the main aspects of daily life. |
В1 | One can understand the main points of messages in literary language on various matters regularly arising at work, school, leisure, etc. One can deal with most situations which are likely to arise whilst traveling in the area of studied language. One can compose messages on familiar or personal themes. One can describe experiences and events, hopes and ambitions and briefly give explanations for future opinions and plans. |
В2 | One can understand the main idea of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics, including highly specialized texts. One speaks quickly, spontaneously and can constantly communicate with native speakers without difficulties for all people involved in the discussion. One can produce clear, detailed text on various subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue and can outline the advantages and disadvantages of various opinions. |
С1 | One can understand wide sophisticated long texts and recognize implicit meaning. One speaks spontaneously and fast without obvious searching of words and expressions. One uses language flexibly and efficiently for social, academic and professional activities. One can produce clear, detailed, well-structured texts on complex subjects, showing use of organizational patterns, connectors and combining text elements. |
С2 | One understands any oral and written communication and is able to create a coherent text, based on the number of oral and written sources. One speaks spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, outlining finer shades of meaning even in the most difficult cases. |