Bachelor Degree (4 year study)
- Metallurgy*
- Engineering*
- Technological Machines and Equipment*
- Material Study and Technology*
- Design-engineering of Machine Building Industries*
- Transport Technological Complexes *
- Transport and Transport- Technological Machines and Complexes Service*
- Thermal Engineering and Thermal Technology*
- Power Engineering and Power Technology*
- Technology of Transport Processes
- Instrument Engineering
- Electronics and Nanoelectronics*
- Control in Engineering Systems*
- Mechatronics and Robotics*
- Standardization and Metrology*
- Computer Engineering and Programming*
- Chemical Technology*
- Economics*
- Management*
- Personnel Management
- Business Computer Informatics
- State and Municipal Service*
- Architecture
- (5 year study)
- Design of Architectural Environment (5 year study)
- Building Engineering*
- Technosphere Safety*
- Merchandising
- Pedagogical Education
- Vegetable Food Stuff*
- Printing and Packaging Technology