Aleksey Korchunov
- Published: Wednesday, 02 April 2014 03:22
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Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University Department of Design and Operation of Metallurgical Machines and Equipment 38, Lenin street, Magnitogorsk, 455000, ChelyabinskRegion, Russia e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
- 1989-1994 Nosov Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Faculty of Technology. Major: Metal Forming
- 2001 Awarded an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
- 2010 Awarded an academic degree of the Doctor of Engineering Sciences
- 2013 Awarded an academic rank of the Professor
Development of metalware manufacturing technologies to produce:
- low and high carbon wire for reinforced concrete structures,
- spring-based couplings for railroad ties,
- high-strength reinforcement bars for ferroconcrete ties used on modern railroad lines,
- sized steel for the machine-building industry.
- Theoretical and field study of wire and sized steel drawing processes.
- Technological inheritance in metalware manufacturing technologies.
- Quality control in metalware manufacturing technologies.
Course Titles:
- Metal forming technologies (metalware manufacturing).
- Modeling of metal forming processes.
- Quality control in metalware manufacturing technologies.
PhD students:
- Four PhD students defended their theses for an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD).
- Ensuring product quality in hardware-manufacturing technologies. Metallurgist, Vol. 52, Nos. 9-10, 2008, pp. 574-581.
- Improving the quality control of spring-based couplings for railroad ties. Steel in Translation, 2008, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 60-62.
- Deformation and thermohardening of reinforcement for ferroconcrete crossties. Steel in Translation, 2009, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 80-83.
- Quality control of hardware products based on the use of fuzzy models to describe technological inheritance. Metallurgist, Vol. 53, Nos. 5-6, 2009, pp. 290-295.
- Forming ultrafine-grain structure in steel wire by continuous deformation. Steel in Translation, 2010, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 595-597.
- Production of stabilized high-strength reinforcement steel for the new generation of ferroconcrete railroad ties. Metallurgist, Vol. 55, Nos. 1-2, May, 2011, pp.54-58.
- Controlling the structure and properties of nanostructural carbon steel. Steel in Translation, 2012, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 745-749.
- Development and efficiency estimation of the method of continuous deformation nanostructuring of high-carbon steel wire. Nanocon 2012. 23 – 25 Oct, 2012. Brno, Czech Republic, EU Conference proceedings, pp. 137-141.
- Forming of nanodimentional structure parts in carbon steels. Waset 2012. International conference, 22 – 23 Dec, 2012. Bangkok, Thailand, Issue 72, pp. 1116-1119.
- Research of multipass processes of cold plastic deformation on the basis of mathematical modeling by the method of Markov chains. European Science and Technology: proceedings of the 4th International Research and Practice Conference, Vol. I, Munich, Germany, 2013, pp. 223-230.
- Assessing the effectiveness of intense plastic deformation of structural carbon steel. Steel in Translation, 2013, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 50-54.
- Methodology of developing mathematical models with fuzzy logic elements for quality indices control. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 436 (2013), pp. 374-381.
- Technological inherited connections in a continuous method of deformational nanostructuring. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 555 (2014), pp. 401-405.
- Finite element modeling of shear strain in rolling with velocity asymmetry in multi-roll calibers. Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 622-623 (2014), pp. 912-918.
- Recovery effect in drawing of steel bar for sizing. Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), pp. 676-681.
- Finite element modeling of shear strain in asymmetric and symmetric rolling in multi-roll calibers. Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), pp. 2469-2474.
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