Sergey Lukyanov


Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Electronics and Microelectronics Department

38, Lenin street, Magnitogorsk, 455000, ChelyabinskRegion, Russia



  • 1972-1977 Nosov Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Major: Electric drives and automation of industrial facilities
  • 1984 Awarded an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
  • 2003 Awarded an academic degree of the Doctor of Engineering Sciences
  • 2005 Awarded an academic rank of the Professor


  • Research on electric drives of pinch rolls of curve-type continuous casting machines
  • Research on electric drives of discharge roller tables of wide hot strip mills
  • Research on electric drives of mills to produce wire and reinforcement bars


  • Development of control systems for electric drives of metallurgical facilities
  • Development of monitoring and diagnosis systems for electrical and mechanical equipment and production processes


Course Titles:

  • Microprocessor programming machine languages
  • Fundamentals of engineering experiment

PhD students:

  • Twelve PhD students defended their theses for an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD).


  1. Lukyanov S.I., Devyatov D.Kh., Logunova O.S., Suspitsyn E.S., Tutarova V.D., Shvidchenko D.V. CCM automatic control and operation system: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: MSTU, 2009, 640 p.
  2. Lukyanov S.I., Meshcheryakov A.Yu., Suspitsyn E.S., Shvidchenko D.V., Pishnograev R.S., Krasilnikov S.S. The drive control system for a basic oxygen furnace lance: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2014, 101 p.
  3. Lukyanov S.I., Suspitsyn E.S., Shvidchenko D.V., Pishnograev R.S., Konovalov M.V. Generalized methods to diagnose mechanical and electrical equipment of metallurgical facilities. News of higher education institutions. Electromechanics, 2009, no. 1, pp. 38 – 42.
  4. Lukyanov S.I., Suspitsyn E.S., Shvidchenko D.V., Pishnograev R.S., Krasilnikov S.S. An algorithm to control electric drives of main mechanisms of continuous casting machines to prevent breakthroughs of liquid steel. News of higher education institutions. Electromechanics, 2011, no.4, pp. 54-58.
  5. Lukyanov S.I., Suspitsyn E.S., Shvidchenko D.V., Krasilnikov S.S., Shvidchenko N.V. Intellectual systems to control electric drives of metallurgical facilities. Bulletin of KhPI National Technical University. Collection of scientific papers. Series: Problems of automated electric drives. Theory and practice. Kharkov: NTU KhPI, 2013, no. 36(1009), pp. 501-502.
  6. Logunova O.S., Matsko I.I., Posokhov I.A., Lukyanov S.I. An automatic system for intelligent support of continuous cast billet production control processes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, vol. 74, issue 9, pp. 1407-1418. DOI: 10.1007/ s00170-014-6056-4.
  7. Lukyanov S.I., Suspitsyn E.S., Krasilnikov S.S., Shvidchenko D.V. An intelligent system for prediction of liquid steel breakthroughs under a mold of slab continuous casting machines. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, vol. 77, issue 9. DOI 10.1007/s00170-150-6945-1.
  8. Patent of the Russian Federation 2230627.RF. A control and integrated diagnosis method for pinch rolls and links of their drives in a secondary cooling zone of continuous casters for metals and alloys. Lukyanov S.I., Takhautdinov R.S., Bodyaev Yu.A., Lukyanov V.P., Suspitsyn E.S. Bulletin, 2004, no. 17.
  9. Patent of the Russian Federation 2373006 RF. A method to control a speed rate of a discharge roller table of a wide hot strip mill. Lukyanov S.I., Titov A.V., Shvidchenko D.V., Shvidchenko N.V., Mushtaev A.N., Bochkovsky N.I. Bulletin, 2009, no. 32.
  10. Lukyanov S.I., Suspitsyn E.S., Shvidchenko N.V., Pishnograev R.S., Shvidchenko D.V., Krasilnikov S.S. Fundamentals of microprocessor technology: teaching aid. Magnitogorsk: Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2012, 139 p.
  11. Lukyanov S.I., Panov A.N., Vasiliev A.E. Fundamentals of engineering experiment: teaching aid. Moscow: RIOR: INFRA-M, 2014, 99 p.

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Scopus Author ID: 7004088084.

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