Aleksandr Rakhmangulov

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Building and Structural Engineering Department

38, Lenin street, Magnitogorsk, 455000, Chelyabinsk Region, Russia



  • 1983 - 1988 Nosov Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Major: Industrial Transport
  • 1996 Awarded an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
  • 1999 Awarded an academic rank of the Associate Professor
  • 2013 Awarded an academic degree of the Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Development of a theory and methods, implementation of technological and organizational solutions to improve quality and safety of cargo and passenger transportation by various means:

  • Methods of flexible operating procedures of industrial railway transport and logistics methods of wagon traffic management at railway transport nodes
  • Design of intelligent transportation systems for industrial enterprises
  • Methods of sustainable placement of logistics facilities
  • Development of efficient routes for the urban passenger ground transport


  • Theoretical and field study of logistics and intermodal transportation at transportation nodes and urban agglomeration
  • Theoretical and field study of operation management of the railway transportation technology systems
  • Theoretical and field study of a regional placement of logistics infrastructure objects
  • Theoretical and field study of the simulation and mathematical modeling of transportation processes and systems


Courses Titles:

  • Transport systems management
  • Transportation process optimization
  • Basic principles of logistics and supply chain management
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Economic principle of logistics
  • Transportation economics
  • Scientific issues of transportation economics
  • Transportation IT solutions
  • History and methodology of transportation science
  • Specific matters of general logistics
  • Contemporary issues and methodology of transportation science
  • Simulation and mathematical modeling of transportation processes and systems

PhD students:

  • Two PhD students defended their theses for an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)


  1. Design of an ITS for Industrial Enterprises: Chapter in book: Intelligent Transportation Systems – Problems and Perspectives, Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Editors: Sładkowski, Aleksander and Pamuła, Wiesław. pp.161-215. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19150-8_6. (
  2. Mathematical model of optimal empty rail car distribution at railway transport nodes. Scientific Journal «Transport problems». Volume 9. No 3. 2014. pp. 125-132. (
  3. Assessment of socio-economic potential of regions for placement of the logistic infrastructure objects. Scientific Journal «Economy of Region». No 2. 2014. pp. 254-263. (
  4. Robotic transport complex of automotive vehicles for handling of rock mass at the process of open cast mining. Scientific Journal «Transport problems». Volume 10. No 2. .2015. pp. 109-116. (
  5. Improvement in system for computer-aided control of production processes at ore-mining enterprise. Scientific Journal «Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Gornyi Zhurnal». No 2. 2003. pp. 39-43.
  6. Algorithm of matching the production processes during planning the mining operations at construction open pits. Scientific Journal «Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Gornyi Zhurnal». No 6. 2003. pp. 133-135.

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