Contemporary Problems of Science and Production
- Published: 21 December 2015
Course - Land Transport and Technological Facilities
Qualification – Master’s degree
Modules (sections, themes) of the discipline:
- Basic concepts and definitions. Theory, practice, experiment. Method and methodology. The role and place of magister at various stages of industrial production and science. The relationship of production and science.
- General description of the historical periods of technics and mechanics development. The main periods of development in technics and science of mechanical cycle: period of premachinery production; establishment of machinery production; sophisticated machine production; scientific-and technical revolution; information revolution.
- Development of land transport in various historical periods. Premachinery period. Period of machinery production establishment.
- The period of sophisticated machine production. Scientific-and- technical revolution.
- Science development and establishment in premachinery period. Revolution in science and completion of classical mechanics forming-up.
- The development of science in the period of machinery production establishment. Basic concepts of theoretical and applied mechanics in the period.
- The development of science in the period of scientific-and- technical revolution. Basic concepts of theoretical and applied mechanics in the period.
- Basic methodological principles of scientific work. Methodology of scientific work. Setting up of investigation tasks. Tasks classification: tasks for discovery and tasks for proof.
- Private methods of scientific tasks solving. General methods of scientific tasks solving.
- Intellectual work. Selectivity. Foresight. Search area. Mobilization and arrangement. Recognition and recollection. Recruiting and regrouping. Isolation and combination. Corresponds between task and researcher experience.
- Mental actions discipline. Focus on aims. Value of the prospects. Search of approach to the solution. Contemporary data systems and technologies. Art of setting up questions.
- Rules of intellectual work. Rationality. Savings without bias. Perseverance and flexibility. Preferences rules. The role of theoretical and experimental methods in design of transport means structures, transport-and-technological systems structures and development of new technologies.
- Methods of engineering creativity. Technical facility and technology. Setting up and analysis of design tasks. Methods of brainstorming: method of direct brainstorming, method of reverse brainstorming, combined method. Method of heuristic technique.
- Fundamentals of planning experiments. Laboratory and industrial experiments. Basic concepts. Errors in measuring of physical quantities and measures of accuracy. Sources of errors, systematic and random errors. Processing and presentation of measurement results.