Teaching Science
- Published: 04 April 2016
Summary of an academic programme on Teaching Science
Major – Standardisation and Metrology
Qualification (degree) – Master
Course modules (units, topics):
UNIT 1 Pedagogics as science, its object, subject, and problems
1.1. Topic Pedagogics as science, its framework of categories: education, upbringing, learning, self-cultivation, socialization, teaching, teaching/learning process.
UNIT 2 Education as a task-oriented process of cultivation and learning to the benefit of a person, society, and state
Topic 2.1 History of education and pedagogical thought.
Topic 2.2 Education as a task-oriented process of cultivation and learning to the benefit of a person, society, and state.
UNIT 3 Learning theory as science
Topic 3.1 Subject-matter, driving forces, contradictions and logic of the teaching/learning process. Learning methods and modes.
UNIT 4 Theory of upbringing – an element of pedagogics.
Topic 4.1 Subject-matter of upbringing and its place in the holistic structure of the teaching/learning process. Motivating forces and logic of the upbringing process.
Topic 4.2 Upbringing systems: foreign and Russian practices.
Topic 4.3 Theory of corporate character education.
UNIT 5 Family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and social-cultural environment for child upbringing and development.
Topic 5.1 Family’s role in child development. Peculiarities of an up-to-date marriage. Causes of family conflicts.
UNIT 6 Andragogy as a branch of pedagogics studying specifics of adult education
Topic 6.1 Adult education process, its subject-matter, functions, and types. Motives of adult self-education.
- Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
- Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (mandatory);
- Tutorials.
Total – 180 hours
Total credit points
Practicum – 18 hours
Midterm assessment – pass/fail examination