High-Performance Systems

Code – 230100   Information and computer science; section: Software of computer equipment and automation systems

Qualification (degree) – Master

Description of course modules (sections, subjects):

  1. Concept of high-performance systems.
  2. Real-time operating systems.
  3. Programming of real-time applications to be executed in QNX Neutrino.
  4. Application of equations of mathematical physics and particular features of their mathematical description.

Syllabus of the course:

Concept of high-performance systems. General requirements set for high-performance systems. Classification of operating systems.

Definition of terminology. Review of architectures of real-time operating systems. Functional requirements for real-time operating systems.

Key tools of timer services of QNX Neutrino RTOS. Their use in practice. Key processing techniques for interruptions of QNX Neutrino RTOS and their use in practice.

Teaching methods:

  • lectures,
  • laboratory work
  • students’ independent work performed according to the teacher’s task in classrooms and on an extracurricular basis, including use of technical training aids (compulsory),
  • tutorials.

Total hours – 144.

Total credits – 4.

Laboratory work – 0.5/18.

Form of interim assessment – exam.

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