Nano-steels Research Institute
Nano-steels Research Institute (SRI NS) - a structural unit of NMSTU, engaged in organizing basic and applied research, development work in the field of creating nano-materials and nano-steels.
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Supervisors Board Chairman: Kolokoltsev Valery Mikhailovich, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Contact information:
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Scientific consultant: Gun Gennadiy Semyonovich, Professor , Doctor of Technical Sciences Contact information:
Along with the traditional research areas - getting perspective hardware products , the development of theoretical and technological foundations of the functional coatings application - in response to the demand of time a new research area " Creating scientific foundations of technologies for producing nano-structured steel wire ropes for the high-strength steel-copper production and bimetallic products of high quality" is developing ( supervisor - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences M.V. Chukin).
Since 2007, the research group led by Prof. M.V. Chukin together with colleagues from Ufa State Aviation Technical University won the Federal Agency competition for Science in the framework of the federal target program "Researches and elaborations on priority areas of Russian scientific- technological complex development in 2007 - 2012 " for two events: " Structural steel with ultrafine and nano-structure , methods of their production and processing " and " Conducting development and technological works in collaboration with foreign research organizations of the Czech Republic in the priority areas of the Program. "
The aim of the research is to develop science-based technical and technological solutions of the threading implementation of through-flow diagrams, including the operations of work piece nano-structuring and its deformation, creating production of metal nano-structured carbon steels. As a result of commercial implementation of innovative technologies metal production organization of bulk nano-structured steels, having a record high specific strength, ductility, fatigue and functional properties, is expected. Currently the research team composed of PhDs Polyakova M.A., Baryshnikov M.P. and others conducts research in the framework of the analytical department target program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education (2009 - 2010) " related " Scientific bases of the structure evolution and the development of properties of nano-structured structural steels in forming processes."
Research in Nanotechnology Research Institute began with academic partners - the Institute of Physics of Advanced Materials Ufa State Aviation Technical Institute, Baikov Metallurgy and Materials Science Institute RAS( IMET ) , MISA , Ufa Metals Super Plasticity Problems Institute ( RAS) and the strategic ones, among them - JSC " MMK -HARDWARE ," SC " Science and Education Fund" INTELS " ITC " Ausferr " , LLC" PHI -Profit " . Later colleagues from the Quantum Metal Research Institute of Yekaterinburg joined,SouthUralStateUniversity,IzhevskStateTechnicalUniversity, and a number of Czech research centers. The team of scientists has conducted interesting researches on low-carbon steel grade «20» and medium - «45 «on the holder. Subjecting samples of new forming ways untreated, the Institute staff has received amazing results. During the experiments, the researchers paid attention to a curious and unexpected "behavior" of steel, which requires thorough research and promises new and exciting discoveries.
Currently active research work is conducted to develop new methods of nano-structuring of steel long products. These methods should be integrated into existing technological processes of metal wear redivision. For example, the complex of research and development work is carried out to obtain high-strength reinforcement of nano-structured steel for concrete sleepers of new generation. Studies of various methods of wire strain nano-structuring are conducted at the stage of laboratory stage. Technological researches are built on a powerful metal science «foundation." These developments are aimed at the modern needs of steel and metal ware enterprises.