NMSTU students visited the Embassy of Brazil

Tatiana Sattarova and Svetlana Predeina, winners of the poetry contest “Lyre of Brazil", receiving an invitation to visit the Embassy of Brazil in Moscow, met with Ambassador Rodrigo Baena Soares.

During the visit the students enjoyed a tour of the Embassy and the residence, had a meeting with the Ambassador and other members of the Embassy, and received memorable gifts. The students also met with Gabriele Costa Guadanin, Attaché for Public Diplomacy, Culture, Education and Media, who was an author of the poem, submitted for the translation contest, to discuss translations.

“No doubt, this trip is valuable for me because this was my first time in Moscow and I got a lot of impressions about the city, the sights, as well as about immersion into Brazilian culture and politics. It has motivated me to learn Portuguese, which is very similar to Spanish that I study, and in future to have a job related to the languages of Latin America”, shared Tatiana her impressions.

The next step in fostering collaboration between Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University and the Embassy of Brazil in Moscow will be the university’s participation in the Leitorado program supported by the Ministry of Education of Brazil. The Brazilian lecturers will visit the university to teach the Portuguese language and culture, give lectures, and participate in joint research.

The first visit of the Brazilian professor to Magnitogorsk is scheduled for February of 2022.

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