Problems of Modern Management in Transport

Major – Technology of Transport Facilities

Qualification (degree) – Master

Course modules (units, topics):

The course consists of the following units and topics:

1. Introduction.

Topics: General characteristics of transport management types.

2. Transport production management.

Topics: Methodological framework and peculiarities of transport management framing. Peculiarities of transport as an object of management. Main stages of the development of Russian transport management system and its modern state. Organisational structures of management, their design and development in transport. Management of the development and usage of transport production facilities. Transportation process management. Principles and methods of improvement of managerial decisions. Information support of transport management processes.

3. Strategic, tactical and operational management in transport.

Topics: Scientific-and-methodical framework of strategic management. Environment analysis. Defining the mission and goals. Choosing strategies. Execution of a strategy.

4. Innovative management in transport.

Topics: Innovations as an object of transport management. Innovative management and manager’s functions in the field of transport innovative activities. Development trends of transport science and transport production. Display of innovations in transport and their evaluation. Innovative management framing. Innovative management and strategic management in transport.

5. HR management in transport.

Topics: HR management methodology. Recruitment services, their structures and functions. HR management of a transportation company.

6. Environmental management in transport.

Topics: Environmental management concept. Functions and methods of environmental management. Transport environmental improvement management.

7. International management in transport

Topics: Transport management in developed countries. State regulation in transport.

8. Transport risk management.

Topics: Risks in management. Risk management and reduction.

9. Transport marketing-management.

Topics: Passenger and cargo transportation market. Marketing research system. Transport marketing management.


  1. Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
  2. Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (obligatory);
  3. Tutorials.

Total – 108 hours

Total credit points – 3

Lectures – 18

Practicals – 18/4И

Midterm assessment – pass/fail examination

Methodology of Scientific Creativity

Major – Technology of Transport Facilities

Qualification (degree) – Master

Course modules (units, topics):

The course consists of the following units and topics:

1. Introduction.

Topics: Organization of academic research work in the Russian Federation. National policy in the scientific area. System of training and employment of scientific-and-technological human resources. Role of a scientific school and academic advising. Organization of academic research work at industrial enterprises and higher educational institutions.

2. Scientific knowledge structure.

Topics: Conceptual and operational approach to creative work; interrelation of the value and scientific technique of spiritual creation of the world.  Classification and structure of scientific papers.  Choosing a research area. Relevancy criteria of scientific papers. Main stages of academic research work.

3. Structure of creative work

Topics: Motivation and methodology of creative work. Methods used at theoretical and empirical research levels. Analysis and synthesis. Abstraction. Ranking. Idealization. Formal characterization. Experiment and experimental-analytical method. Stages of defining a working hypothesis. Use of modern methods to improve a research plan.

4. Creative work as a process

Topics: Academic and creative tasks and their use for the development of creativity in a personality.  Strategy and tactics of an experiment. Classification of scientific-and-technological experiments. Information technologies in research. Automated research systems (ARS, experiment automation system).

5. Implementation forms of the results of creative work

Topics: Rational form of representation of the research results. Scientific report. Research article. Report and scientific statement. Display material and equipment. Reviewing and opponency of a scientific paper. Patentability assessment of research work. Formula of invention. State system and implementation forms. Estimation methods of research work effectiveness.


  1. Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
  2. Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (obligatory);
  3. Tutorials.

Total – 108 hours

Total credit points – 3

Lectures – 18

Practicals – 36/8И

Midterm assessment – pass/fail examination

Macroeconomics and Foreign Economic Activities

Major – Technology of Transport Facilities

Qualification (degree) – Master

Course modules (units, topics):

The course consists of the following units and topics:

1. Macroeconomics.

Topics: Introduction. General principles of functioning of national economy. Place and purpose of transport. Problems of transport system development. Impact of business globalization. Global logistic systems.

2. Fundamentals of foreign economic activities.

Topics: Legal and regulatory framework of foreign economic activities. Object of global logistics. Global communications.


  1. Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
  2. Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (obligatory);
  3. Tutorials.

Total – 180 hours

Total credit points – 5

Practicals – 54/30И

Midterm assessment – examination

Intellectual Property

Major – Technology of Transport Facilities

Qualification (degree) – Master

Course modules (units, topics):

The course consists of the following units and topics:

1. Intellectual property as an object of legal protection.

2. Main definitions of author’s right and forms of its protection.

3. Associated author’s rights.

4. Patent law.

5. Legal protection of identification means of civil commerce participants and products produced by them (works, services).

6. Legal protection of inventions and innovation proposals.

7. Legal protection of other objects of intellectual property.


  1. Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
  2. Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (obligatory);
  3. Tutorials.

Total – 72 hours

Total credit points – 2

Lectures - 18

Practicals – 18/4И

Midterm assessment – pass/fail examination

Information Theory and Information Technology

Major – Technology of Transport Facilities

Qualification (degree) – Master

Course modules (units, topics):

The course consists of the following units and topics:

1. Introduction to the information theory.

Topics: History of the information theory and its interrelation with the control theory. Basic concepts of the information theory. Thermodynamic approach to information. Information-entropy relation.

2. Methods of information quantity evaluation.

Topics: Statistical method. Thesaurus method. Pragmatic method. Structured method. Practical application aspects of the methods of information quantity evaluation when taking managerial decisions and evaluating information system effectiveness.

3. Structure and functions of the information system of a transportation company.

Topics: Definition of a supporting unit of a control system. Main types of support of an information system – functional and informational support. Concepts of building modern information systems and organizing information flow advance.

4. Information system development and implementation technology.

Topics: Definition of information system lifecycle. Information system development and operation stages. Concept design stage. Conceptual study. Technical and detail design. Pilot operation. Information system operation and re-organization.

5. Information technology development prospects.

Topics: Development of technical means to control transportation means and load units. Methods of building dynamic models of transportation process. Problems of usage of optimization methods when controlling transportation process. Use of simulation modeling methods in information systems for operational forecasting and control of transportation process. 


  1. Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
  2. Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (obligatory);
  3. Tutorials.

Total – 180 hours

Total credit points – 5

Laboratory – 72/30И

Midterm assessment – examination

History and Methodology of Transport Science

Major – Technology of Transport Facilities

Qualification (degree) – Master

Course modules (units, topics):

The course consists of the following units and topics:

1. Introduction.

Topics: Milestones of the development of transport science and engineering. History and laws of engineering and transport. Need for studying theoretical and methodological issues of engineering development. Classification of transport and transport sciences.

2. Definition of transport system.

Topics: Classification of transport systems. Transport systems and objects as technical systems. Definition of transportation process, efficiency criteria of traffic flows. System properties, structure and functions of transport objects. Different-complexity tasks of transport system control. Transport system development periods.

3. Transport engineering. Traditions and innovations in the development of transport science and engineering.

Topics: History of the development of heat engines. Electric motors. Fundamental significance of thermodynamics in the development of transport engineering. Basic laws of functioning and development of engineering systems. Definition of efficiency and reliability of an engineering system. Methods of evaluation and assurance of engineering system reliability. Contemporary transportation means and their development prospects.

4. Transport technology.

Topics: Definition of transport technology. Main functions of transport control as a technological system. Classification of modern transport technologies. Definition of flexible technology. Patterns of coordinated development of engineering and technology in transport systems.

5. Organization of transport system functioning.

Topics: Need for considering transport as an organizational system. Modern methods of transportation process organization in transport systems. Tasks of transport control as an organizational system. Organizational laws of transport system functioning and development.

6. Social aspects of transport science and engineering.

Topics: Possibility to study functioning patterns of transport systems as complex social-economic systems. Functions of transport control as a social-economic system. Interrelation of the development of transport industry and economy.

7. Scientific research functions, methods and forms of scientific cognition.

Topics: Methods of scientific cognition. Forms of scientific cognition. Analytical methods and models, methods of transportation process improvement. Statistical methods. Methods of simulation modeling.


  1. Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
  2. Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (obligatory);
  3. Tutorials.

Total – 72 hours

Total credit points – 2

Lectures - 18

Practicals – 18/4И

Midterm assessment – pass/fail examination

Fundamentals of Scientific Research

Major – Technology of Transport Facilities

Qualification (degree) – Master

Course modules (units, topics):

The course consists of the following units and topics:

1. Principles and forms of organization of scientific research.

Topics: Main problem of linear programming. Definition and canonical form of representation of a problem. Simplex method of solving linear programming problems. Baseline optimum condition. Determination of directory columns and rows. Simplex transformation. Building an initial plan. Introduction of artificial variables.

2. Duality in linear programming.

Topics: Dual problems. Dual variables. Theory of duality. Relation between optimum plans of dual problems. Interpretation and definition of dual problems. Definition of one and the same problem in fundamental and dual forms.

3. Transportation problem in a network form.

Topics: Definition of a transportation problem in a network form. Routing and optimal path tables. Solving a transportation problem with the residual error reduction method. Accounting capacity restrictions.

4. Definition of a problem of optimization of one-group train marshalling.   

Topics: Determination of train marshalling and remarshalling costs. Definition of a train set accumulation parameter. Necessary and sufficient condition for allocating a wagon flow into independent purposes. Algorithm of solving the problem of marshalling plan calculation with the plan optimization method.

5. Dynamic programming method.

Topics: Problems solved with the dynamic programming method. Bellman equation. Algorithm of the method. Solving the problem of optimum resource scheduling with the dynamic programming method.

6. Graphical evaluation and review technique.

Topics: Applications of graphical evaluation and review techniques. Components of a net graph. Net graph parameter calculation. Definition of a critical path. Methods of search and elimination of critical paths.


  1. Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
  2. Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (obligatory);
  3. Tutorials.

Total – 108 hours

Total credit points – 3

Practicals – 30/30И

Midterm assessment – pass/fail examination

Financial Management and Promotional Activities

Major – Technology of Transport Facilities

Qualification (degree) – Master

Course modules (units, topics):

The course consists of the following units and topics:

1. Promotional activities.

Topics: Promotional activities of a transportation company. Price and pricing factors in transportation activities. Market structure and pricing in transportation activities. Tools of efficient corporate promotional activities.

2. Financial management.

Topics: Theoretical framework of financial management. Methods of economic diagnostics of financial and investment management efficiency at transportation companies. Working capital and money turnover management. Capital price and its control.


  1. Teacher-led group activities in a classroom;
  2. Extracurricular self-study of the teacher’s assignments and tasks, including the use of educational facilities (obligatory);
  3. Tutorials.

Total – 180 hours

Total credit points – 5

Practicals – 54/30И

Midterm assessment – examination

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