Sergey Platov
Published: 02 April 2014
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Forming Machines and Technologies Department
38, Lenin street, Magnitogorsk, 455000, ChelyabinskRegion, Russia
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 1969 -1974 Nosov Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Major: Automation of metallurgical facilities
- 1981 Awarded an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
- 2006 Awarded an academic degree of the Doctor of Engineering Sciences
- 2007 Awarded an academic rank of the Professor
2008 Awarded a rank of the Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation
2011 Awarded a rank of the Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation
- Modeling and development of a technological system of the "rolling – rod drawing" to improve production efficiency.
- Improvement of technological processes of wire rod production, wire drawing, production of rolled tapes for special purposes.
- Increasing of durability of special equipment.
Course Titles:
- Methods of reconditioning and strengthening of machine parts
- Theory of metal forming
PhD students:
- Seven PhD students defended their theses for an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
- Salganik V.M., Pustovoitov D.O., Denisov S.V., Kornilov V.L., Platov S.I. Producing high-quality strip (thickness >16 mm) at the OAO MMK 2000 broad-strip mill. Steel in Translation, 2012, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 738-740.
- Guryanov G.N., Zhelezkov O.S., Platov S.I., Terentyev D.V. Margin of safety and efficiency of wire forming depending on an angle of drawing. News of Higher Educational Institutions. Ferrous metallurgy, 2015, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 24-30.
- Kadoshnikov V.I., Platov S.I., Terentyev V.D., Zavyalov V.I., Podosyan A.A. Improving the durability of initial sections of continuous casters Nos. 2 and 3 at Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Metallurgist, 2007, Vol. 51, Issue 3-4, pp. 216-219.
- Platov S.I., Guryanov G.N., Zhelezkov O.S., Terentyev D.V. Influence of the drawing angle on the wire quality. Steel in Translation, 2015, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 18-24.
- Nekit V.A., Platov S.I., Kurbakov I.A., Golev A.D. Experimental study of forward and backward slip during sheet rolling. Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2015, No. 1(49), pp. 52-54.
- Gareyev A.R., Murikov S.A., Platov S.I., Urtsev V.N., Shmakov A.V. The analysis and experimental verification of a model of heat output during phase transformations. Manufacturing of rolled products, 2015, No. 2, pp. 30-34.
- Gareyev A.R., Murikov S.A., Platov S.I., Urtsev V.N., Shmakov A.V. Guidelines for improvement of the accelerated cooling technology and equipment at hot wide strip mills. Manufacturing of rolled products, 2015, No. 3, pp. 14-21.
Additional Information
Scopus Author ID: 6603485169
Mikhail Chukin
Published: 02 April 2014
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Material Treatment Technology Department
38, Lenin street, Magnitogorsk, 455000, Chelyabinsk Region, Russia
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 1981 – 1983 Nosov Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- 1983 – 1986 Belorussian Polytechnic Institute
- 1991 Awarded an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
- 2002 Awarded an academic degree of the Doctor of Engineering Sciences
- 2006 Awarded an academic rank of the Professor
A theory of designing prospective manufacturing technologies of nanostructured steel products with a unique complex of physical and mechanical properties applying severe plastic deformation methods with conventional metal processing ones.
Bulk nanostructured steel products for innovative applications
Design of industrial production lines combining methods of severe plastic deformation with conventional metal processing operations
Peculiarities of the structure and mechanical properties of nanostructured carbon steels
TEACHING AND Educational Activities
Course Titles:
Mathematical modeling and optimisation of technological processes Innovative technologies in steel products manufacturing
Doctoral Degrees:
Three applicants defended their dissertations for an academic degree of the Doctor of Engineering Sciences (DSc.)
PhD students:
Eleven PhD students defended their theses for an academic degree of the Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD)
- V.N. Lebedev, M.V. Chukin, G.S. Gun, A.G. Korchunov, M.A. Polyakova. Prospects of high-tensile in manufacturing of large diameter wire rod at MMK-Metiz - Magnitogorsk Hardware and Sizing Works. CIS Iron and Steel Review, 2011, pp. 18-21.
- M. Chukin, A. Korchunov, M. Polyakova, K. Pivovarova, A. Lysenin, A. Gulin. Formalization control algorithm of the carbonaceous nanostructured steel structure and properties with an indeterminate nature of material state parameters. METAL 2012. The 21st International conference of metallurgy and materials. 23 – 25 May, 2012. Brno. Conference proceedings, pp. 151 – 156.
- А. Korchunov, M. Chukin, N. Koptseva, M. Polyakova, A. Gulin. Forming of nanodimentional structure parts in carbon steels. ICMSME 2012: International conference on materials science and mechanical engineering. 22 – 23 December, 2012. Bangkok. Issue 72. Part XI, pp. 1116 – 1119.
- А. Korchunov, M. Chukin, A. Lysenin. Methodology of developing mathematical models with fuzzy logic elements for quality indices control. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 436, 2013, pp. 374-381.
- M. Chukin, N. Koptseva, E. Golubchik, D. Chukin, E. Medvedeva. Study of heat treatment regimes during production of a new generation of invar alloys. Metallurgist, Vol. 58, Issue 3-4, 2013, pp. 321-326.
- А. Raab, M. Chukin, G. Aleshin, G. Raab. Investigation of a new shear deformation method for the production of nanostructures in low-carbon steel. The 6th International conference on nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation. NanoSPD 2014. Metz, France, 30 June 2014.
- N. Tereshchenko, I. Yakovleva, T. Zubkova, M. Chukin, N. Koptseva. Structure levels of pearlite deformation in carbon steel of eutectoid composition. Physics of metals and metallography, Vol. 114, Issue 5, May 2013, pp. 430 – 439.
- M. Chukin, A. Korchunov, M. Polyakova, A. Gulin, O. Nikitenko. Abilities of wire combined deformation treatment by drawing with torsion and bending. Hutnik-WH, Vol. 82, no.1, 2015, pp. 14 – 17.
Аdditional Information