Vladimir Filatov
- Published: 09 February 2018
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Institute of Humanities Education 455000, Russia, Chelyabinsk Region, Magnitogorsk, Lenin Avenue, 38
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- 1972-1978 Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky (Sverdlovsk), Historical Faculty. Discipline: domestic history.
- 1992 Awarded an academic degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD).
- 1995 Awarded degree title of Associate Professor.
- 2007 Awarded an academic degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences.
- History of agriculture in the Urals region in the second half of 1920-1941;
- History of Higher Education 1930-2000-ies. (on the materials of Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after GI Nosov).
- History of the economy, management system, social relations, law enforcement in the Urals village in the second half of 1920-1941.
- History of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov during the 1930-2000s through the study of structural changes, the formation of the teaching staff, the organization of the educational process, research, financial and economic activities, living conditions, socio-political, cultural-mass and sports work.
TEACHING AND Educational Activities
Courses Titles:
- Russian history.
- History of the state and law of foreign countries.
- International law.
- History of world civilizations.
- International relations and global problems of our time.
- Agricultural production in the Urals in the late 1920's - early 1940's: the contradiction of transformation: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: GOU VPO "MSTU", 2006. 453 p.
- Ural village, 1927-1941 years: dynamics and rates of livestock development: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: MSTU, 2006. 264 p.
- Ural village, 1927-1941 years: dynamics and rates of agricultural development: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: MSTU, 2006. 260 p.
- Ural village, 1927-1941 years: food and monetary obligations: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: MSTU, 2007. 370 p.
- Urals village, 1927-1941 years: the state of crime: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: GOU VPO "MSTU", 2009. 438 p.
- Ural village, 1927-1941 years: the functioning of the punitive system: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: GOU VPO "MSTU", 2009. 245 p.
- Ural village, 1927 - 1941 years: raskrestyanivanie: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: GOU VPO "MSTU", 2010. 333 p.
- Ural village, 1927 - 1941 years: reference dekulakized: Monograph. Magnitogorsk: GOU VPO "MSTU", 2010. 253 p.
- Ural village, 1927-1941 years: funding: monograph / V.V. Filatov. Magnitogorsk: Publishing house Magnitogorsk. state. tech. University of them. G.I. Nosova, 2013. 238 p.
- History of the Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosova: 1930s: a monograph / V.V. Filatov. Magnitogorsk: Publishing house Magnitogorsk. state. tech. University of them. G.I. Nosova, 2015. 261 p.
- History of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov: 1940s: a monograph / V.V. Filatov. Magnitogorsk: Publishing house Magnitogorsk. state. tech. University of them. G.I. Nosova, 2015. 394 p.
- History of the Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov: the 1950s. In 3 books. Book. 1. Monograph / V.V. Filatov. Magnitogorsk: Publishing house Magnitogorsk. state. tech. University of them. G.I. Nosova, 2016. 285 p.
- History of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov: the 1950s. In 3 books. Book. 2: monograph / V.V. Filatov. Magnitogorsk: Publishing house Magnitogorsk. state. tech. University of them. G.I. Nosova, 2016. 279 p.
- History of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov: the 1950s. In 3 books. Book. 3: monograph / V.V. Filatov. Magnitogorsk: Publishing house Magnitogorsk. state. tech. University of them. G.I. Nosova, 2017. 272 p.
- In-farm problems in the Urals (1930s). Sociological research. 2000. No. 12, pp. 94-100.
- Land management in the Urals in the late 1920's - 1930's. Questions of history. 2006. No. 11, pp. 104-113.
- Industrialization and socio-demographic changes in the Ural villages of the second half of the 1920s and early 1940s. Sociological research. 2012. No. 1, pp. 134-144.
- Magnitogorsk. Steel and people Ferrous metals .2016. No. 12, pp. 60-67.
- Agricultural tax in the Urals on the eve of mass collectivization Questions of history. 2017. No. 6, pp. 53-69.
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Scopus Author ID: 8959517800