Linguistics and Cultural Studies
Published: 06 August 2015
Linguistics and Cultural Studies is an optional course read at master’s level and taught within the course in Linguistics and Intercultural Communication.
The aim of this course is to improve the level of the awareness in the sphere of linguistics compared to the knowledge, obtained at the previous level as well as to acquire communication skills suffice to cover professional needs in the area of linguistic research and for further self training.
Course structure:
The total working intensiveness is 72 academic hours including class work (seminars) - 16 hours, self-instruction work – 56 hours. ECTS equals 2. At the end of the course the students are to take a credit course test.
Previous studies required:
Social Linguistics, Linguistics, History of Linguistics.
Course description:
The Course helps obtain a broad understanding of linguistics and cultural studies as a unique area that merges specific knowledge and practical skills, that are highly relevant to the business sphere and help reach a higher level of proficiency in chosen occupation.
When doing this course, the students receive knowledge and skills that will come in handy with text analysis and discourse studies as well as with studying cognitive linguistics and semiotics.
While mastering the academic discipline Linguistics and Cultural Studies develop their understanding of key contemporary cultural and social concerns. The course provides students with the opportunity for oral class discussion of cultural studies and its various nuances along with the with the opportunity to articulate their views on key cultural issues through supplementary reading and essay writing.
Students also study and analyze common European framework of reference and learn to use it when creating study programs or study guides. Besides, the students are taught to describe the way the present day language system is developing which helps them apply the acquired skills to the related spheres in a creative way.
Course outcomes:
On completion of the course the students will be able to
- understand how to approach the study of language scientifically;
- use linguistic data effectively to test a hypothesis, or to construct an argument;
- articulate the difference between studying language as an internal object in the mind (i.e., our linguistic competence) vs. as an external one (i.e., language use in society);
- understand core subfields in linguistics (syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics and phonology);
- conduct independent research of a theoretical and/or empirical nature, focused on language;
- understand how culture affects communication;
- identify barriers to effective cross cultural communication;
- improve their language speaking skills.
Learning methods: IT methods, case studies, cross cultural negotiation and dispute resolution.
Information Technologies and Translation
Published: 06 August 2015
The discipline is read for first-year students of a master course (2nd semester). The total working intensiveness amounts to 144 academic hours including class work (lectures and seminars) - 30 hours, self-instruction work – 78 hours, revision before an exam – 36 hours). ECTS equals 4. Upon mastering the given discipline students are to take an exam.
The main goal of the discipline is to provide students with the skills necessary for efficient search of essential terminology with the help of dictionaries, glossaries, databases on the Internet, efficient use of machine translation and introduction of students to standard work process at translation companies. Apart from practical skills students acquire profound knowledge in carrying out professional translation tasks with the use of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.
While mastering the academic discipline Information Technologies and Translation students get to know the basic principles of Machine Translation and Translation Memory functioning, main ways of optimization of translation process with the help of Machine Translation, characteristics of traditional and computer lexicography. What is more, students are taught to apply the received theoretical knowledge in the course of practical translation taking into consideration all significant nuances of contemporary translation process.
Information Technologies and Translation implies studying means, methods and ways of getting, storage and processing of information. Students are taught to make practical use of information and communication technologies in order to achieve successful results in the course of translation as it is.
The most important issues students are to cover while studying the given discipline are: Main Notions of Machine Translation, Machine Memory, Main Notions of New Information Technologies, General Problems of Translation, Computer Technologies in the Course of Linguistic Research and Translation.