The NMSTU professor studied a rare artifact found during the archeological excavations in Phanagoria

The NMSTU professor, participating for over a quarter of a century in the archeological excavations of an ancient town, Phanagoria, studied a rare coin of Shahin Girai, the last Khan of Crimea. This coin was lost on Taman 237 years ago. An amazing item found brought back history of the inclusion of Crimea and Kuban into the Russian Empire in the late 18th century.

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The flagship university launches a new project on engineering of materials technologies

NMSTU opens the first enrolment for the master’s degree program to study engineering of technological processes and properties of new materials. The curriculum was developed by National University of Science and Technology MISIS and specialists of PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, an industrial partner of NMSTU.

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Unusual defense: the student defended his final research paper in French

On the 19th of June Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University witnessed a successful defense of the graduation thesis in French. This was the second case in history of the Department of Automated Electric Drives and Mechatronics and the third one in history of NMSTU.

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NMSTU: Enroll online!

The 2020 NMSTU admission process will be fully online. All the documents are submitted in an electronic form via the Applicant’s Account on the website of the flagship university. Zoya Akmanova, the secretary of the NMSTU Admission Committee, has answered the questions about the admission rules, submission of the documents, the number of state-financed places and other important issues.

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NMSTU students and staff members prepared an online exhibition commemorated to May 9

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, first-year – fourth-year students took an active part in developing an interactive virtual museum of NMSTU’s history.

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Greetings on the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

Dear war veterans and war workers,

Dear teachers, staff members and students,

We would like to extend our sincere congratulations on the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

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Despite the difficult times

Dear partners, colleagues, and students,

Amid the current global situation with COVID-19, NMSTU is taking all necessary measures to continue to deliver quality teaching at normal rate:

  • all NMSTU students (including foreigners) are now learning remotely with the help of modern learning techniques and technology;
  • the staff that are responsible for continuity and safety are working normally, the rest of the staff are working from home;
  • research work continues in full swing but via remote interaction;
  • all necessary measures have been taken to ensure health monitoring and proper sanitary conditions for students and staff (this also refers to dormitories).

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NMSTU has established its endowment fund

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, learning by positive experience of top universities of the world, has established its endowment fund. Now grateful graduates can make a contribution to development of their alma mater and participate in critical educational, scientific, social and cultural projects of the university and the city in general.

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